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What are some issues you plan on tackling in your Ward?
I decided to run for City Council in my Ward because I believe that all residents of Ward 4 are not being represented. I have talked to countless residents who have lived in the Ward for a long time and don’t know who their Elected officials are or how to contact them. Walking around Ward 4, I have seen the differences in the different parts of the Ward. I believe that the entire Ward should be beautiful and not just part of it. We don’t have Ward meetings and we need more opportunities for neighbors to get to know each other better. I want to have meetings at least once a month, and I also want to have monthly newsletters. I want translation to be available at the Ward meetings so that everyone feels included and welcome. I want to also have monthly newsletters in multiple languages as well.
We have been meeting with residents and we would love to meet with you. Reach out to Team Megie-Maddrey to find out how you can get involved!
As your City Councilor, I am here for you, please reach out to me anytime @ 617-755-3853 or email me @natashamegie@gmail.com